Cities and tourism growth
Free admission upon registration
A talk dedicated to cities and the growth of tourism, exploring a variety of themes including: organization and communication; productive, economic and employment developments; culture and infrastructure; and urban quality and liveability. After the introductory remarks by Stefano Boeri, president of Triennale Milano, Francesco Rutelli, author of the book Città vince, città perde. Come cambiano le città del mondo e come dobbiamo cambiare in Italia (Editori Laterza, 2024), is in dialogue with Leopoldo Destro, Delegate of the President of Confindustria to Transport, Logistics and the Tourism and Culture Industry, President of Confindustria Veneto Est; Magda Antonioli, Bocconi University, Vice-President European Travel Commission. The event is moderated by Ferruccio De Bortoli, President of Corriere della Sera Foundation.