ScreeningEat the NightJonathan Vinel and Caroline PoggiFebruary 13 – 18, 2025PREMIERE WITH FILMMAKERS
ConcertConcerto al buioTeho Teardo February 17 2025, 6.30pmSOLD OUTPAC Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea
TOTENTANZ. Morgen ist die Frage (stage version)Tactile visit and audiodescription February 16 2025, 1.00pm
ShowTOTENTANZMorgen ist die Frage (stage version)Marcos Morau, La VeronalFebruary 15 – 16, 2025PREMIERE
ConcertConcerto per tre stanze di museoNicola Ratti February 15 2025, 5.00pmPREMIEREGAM Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano
ShowWe Came to DanceAli Asghar Dashti, Nasim Ahmadpour February 7 – 8, 2025Teatro Filodrammatici di Milano