© Picture from Greco archive redesigned by Giulia Boccarossa

Book presentation

La Belle Image - Milano
La rivista di Greco che aspetta il futuro

Silvia Costa, Giulio Squillacciotti, Nicola Ratti e Giulia Boccarossa

Quartiere Greco

The idea for the magazine is inspired by a gesture—almost a happening—described to the artists by Gianni Banfi, a key figure and mentor for all the residents of the neighborhood. In 1970, he independently published a small pamphlet titled “Greco. Un borgo un comune, un quartiere,” which detailed the housing issues of the time, still deeply relevant today. Other members of the promotional committee for the development of Greco also contributed to the pamphlet. Once completed, it was hand-delivered to all the families in the neighborhood by its creators, free of charge.

The fanzine La Belle image is born from the voices and memories of the long-time residents of Greco: interviews and recordings, as well as archival images, personal photos, and newspaper clippings from the era. The artists asked some of them to share their memories and hopes for the future of the neighborhood—desires not so different from those expressed nearly fifty years earlier. This publication aims not only to convey an image of an active and lived present but also to serve as a promise for the future of this place: the fanzine will be distributed to the public on October 26 and 27, and it will be printed again in twenty years.

The fanzine is available at the shops in the neighborhood:
Piazza Greco: Ottica Testoni; Bar Pinocchio; Cartoleria Rossella; Panificio Italiano; Macelleria Giuseppe Bianchin in Piazza Greco
Via delle Rimembranze: Bar Greco 39
Via M. Gioia/via Tirano (giardino di Cassina de' Pomm): Edicola Cartoleria

Silvia Costa is an artist, director, and performer from Treviso. From 2006 to 2020, she was an artistic collaborator and performer with the theater company Societas Raffaello Sanzio, founded by Romeo Castellucci. Since 2007, she has developed a visual and poetic theater that draws on research into imagery as a catalyst for reflection and audience engagement. Depending on the project, she takes on roles as author, performer, or set designer, conducting her personal exploration of theater through diverse artistic languages and fields. Silvia Costa has been an associated artist with Triennale Milano Teatro and the Centre dramatique national d’Angers. Since 2020, she has been part of the artistic ensemble at the Comédie de Valence. In July 2022, she was appointed Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture.

Artist and director Giulio Squillacciotti (1982) focuses on investigating possible narratives, the sophistication of real events rooted in historical and anthropological contexts, cultural peaks, and how traditions take on new forms by changing their environment. He has produced documentaries and fictional works shot in Austria, Ireland, the Netherlands, Turkey, and other countries, showcased at international festivals, museums, and film festivals.

Born in Milan in 1978, Nicola Ratti is a multifaceted musician and sound designer active in various experimental fields, including theater, film, performance art, radio plays, and sound art, in international contexts such as art and architecture festivals and biennials. His sonic production creates systems shaped by repetition and expansion, with a particular focus on the relationship with the space and architecture we inhabit.

Giulia Boccarossa (1995) is a graphic designer specializing in art direction and editorial design, based between Milan and Rome. Her internationally recognized work has received numerous awards, and her projects have been exhibited in prestigious contexts, including the exhibition "Il mestiere di grafico oggi" at Triennale di Milano (2023) and "Made in Italy NYC" at One Art Space Gallery in New York (2024).



La Belle image - Milano is produced by Triennale Milano Teatro as part of the project Le età del desiderio, supported by Fondazione Cariplo. This project is included in the Milano è Viva nei Quartieri program, funded by Ministero della Cultura and promoted by Comune di Milano. In collaboration with BiG. Intergenerational Borough Greco and Cineteca di Milano.


A project by: Silvia Costa, Giulio Squillacciotti, Nicola Ratti, and Giulia Boccarossa
Graphic design by: Giulia Boccarossa
Featuring: Giambattista Banfi, Pierluigi D'Alò, Romeo Porro, Enzo Veronese
Special thanks to the community of long-time residents of Greco neighborhood

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