© Luca Del Pia


La Divina Commedia
Inferno Purgatorio Paradiso

Romeo Castellucci

December 5 2021, 3.00pm

Free admission with reservations required

The Divina Commedia is a theatrical trilogy that Romeo Castellucci presented at the Avignon Festival in 2008. Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso are three distinct works, far removed from each other and ac- claimed the world over. For Castellucci, transferring Dante’s Divine Comedy into a theatre setting is a way of reaecting the text in its own spectacular nature, capturing the visual, auditory and olfactory dimension of Dante’s peregrinations.

Castellucci’s investigation revolves around the concept of the horizon: while tragedy deals with its limits, comedy fails even to notice it. Dante’s Divine Comedy is one of the most important texts of Western civilisation and it has been one of the pillars of European identity ever since the Middle Ages. Its historical and symbolic significance weighs on the work of Castellucci, who creates a kaleidoscope of visions through a rousing of emotions that is always tense and open on many sides.



Duration 180 '


Cover © Luca Del Pia

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