Un altro giorno felice: Samuel Beckett in Italia
Luca Scarlini
Free admission upon registration
Running time 50’
Luca Scarlini, writer, theatre and music dramaturg, performance artist and curator, presents a lecture-performance to share knowledge of the work of Samuel Beckett. The Irish author’s oeuvre came to Italy in real time via Teatro dei Gobbi, with the help of Franca Valeri and through the performances of Alberto Bonucci and Vittorio Caprioli. From that moment onwards, prestigious and paradoxical events unfolded, which informed Italian avant-garde theatre in significant ways. This also included complex intellectual property disputes involving the writer’s heirs, which led to performances being prevented, interrupted and censured.
Luca Scarlini, writer, playwright for theater and music, storyteller, performance artist, exhibition curator, collaborates with numerous museums. Among his recent books, often dedicated to art themes, notable works include: Lustrini per il regno dei cieli (Bollati Boringhieri), Sacre sfilate (Guanda), about fashion in the Vatican, Un paese in ginocchio (Guanda), La sindrome di Michael Jackson (Bompiani), Andy Warhol superstar (Johan and Levi), Siviero contro Hitler (Skira), Memorie di un'opera d'arte (Skira), Ziggy Stardust. La vera natura dei sogni (Add), Bianco tenebra. Serpotta di notte e di giorno (Sellerio), Teatri d’amore (Nottetempo), L’ultima regina di Firenze (Bompiani), Le vacanze dell’arte (Pacini), L’uccello del paradiso (Fandango), Rinascimento Babilonia (Marsilio), Bompiani Story (Bompiani), Le streghe non esistono (Bompiani).