Visual design: Cecilia Caporlingua


The Wounds of Milan
How Art Can Mend History

Free admission

The project is based on the identification of ten traumas in Milan's history, each marked by a date and location that symbolically represent moments when the city betrayed itself—self-inflicted wounds that have shaped its identity. The wounds of Milan trace a path of the city's repressed traumas: a narrative that spans time, from the Piazza Fontana massacre and the murder of Commissioner Luigi Calabresi to the Via Palestro bomb and the death of Walter Tobagi, to the Tangentopoli scandals and the tragic Linate plane crash. A chronicle of scars that deeply marked the face of the city, transforming its identity through pain and resilience.

The project showcases works by ten Italian artists: Camilla Alberti, Francesco Arena, Stefano Arienti, Ruth Beraha, Valentina Furian, Marcello Maloberti, Liliana Moro, Diego Perrone, Paola Pivi, Luca Vitone


Curated by: Spazio Taverna


Marcello Maloberti, SOPRAVVISUTO, 2025, in collaboration with Fortunato Zinni, Courtesy the artist and Galleria Raffaella Cortese, Milan - Albisola, photo by Gianluca Di Ioia

Camilla Alberti, LA PORTA BLU, photo by Gianluca Di Ioia

Installation view, photo by Gianluca Di Ioia

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