© Giulia Lenzi


Book is a Book is a Book


Running time '60

Can a book, a simple yet mysterious object, become a space to be explored performatively? Producer of magical spatial and temporal dimensions, the book is at the centre of this new project by Cristina Galbiati and Ilija Luginbühl, awarded in December 2020 with the "Silberen Hase" by Die Besten of Hochparterre in the Design category. The spectators, wearing earphones, move across different pages journeying through images, words, sounds. Book is a Book is a Book is a place where you’ll travel through the mind and with the mind, an object that creates connections across time, space, dreams and memories, an immersive experience enabling the audience to project themselves in an elsewhere and to open themselves to the pleasure of imagination.

Trickster-p is an artistic research project created by Cristina Galbiati and Ilija Luginbühl. The project’s poetics cross boundaries between artistic vocabularies and invite the spectators to open their perceptive horizons and recreate reality in the borderland between inner vision and outer vision. Its most significant works include performances and installations translated in several languages and presented in over 30 countries in Europe, Asia, Australia, North and South America. In 2017 the group was awarded the prestigious Swiss Theatre Prize. The company is currently in residence at LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura.



Limited availability
Performance available in Italian and English
To book the performance Book is a Book is a Book in English it is necessary to send an email to biglietteria@triennale.org after purchasing your tickets


Photo: © Giulia Lenzi
Created by: Trickster-p
Concept and staging: Cristina Galbiati, Ilija Luginbühl
Dramaturg: Simona Gonella
Artistic collaborator: Yves Regenass
Sound space: Zeno Gabaglio
Editing and mixing: Lara Persia - Lemura Recording Studio
Graphic design: Studio CCRZ
Assistant and Illustrator: Arianna Bianconi
Voice (italian and english): Gabriella Sacco
Production: Trickster-p, LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura
Coproduction: FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts, far° Nyon, Theater Chur, ROXY Birsfelden, TAK Theater Liechtenstein, BLICKWECHSEL - Festival am Puppentheater Magdeburg

With the support of: Pro Helvetia – Swiss Cultural Institute, DECS Repubblica and Cantone Ticino - Fondo Swisslos, Municipio di Novazzano, Fachausschuss Tanz & Theater BS/BL, Kulturförderung Kanton Graubünden / Swisslos, Percento culturale Migros, Fonds culturel de la Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA), Landis & Gyr Stiftung, Stiftung Dr. Valentin Malamoud, Schweizerische Stiftung für den Doron Preis, Boner Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur, Fondazione Winterhalter, Anny Casty-Sprecher Stiftung


Thursday, June 3 2021, 6.00pm
Friday, June 4 2021, 6.00pm
Saturday, June 5 2021, 3.30pm
Saturday, June 5 2021, 6.00pm
Sunday, June 6 2021, 1.00pm
Sunday, June 6 2021, 3.30pm
Sunday, June 6 2021, 6.00pm

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