
Ph. DSL studio, © Triennale Milano

Guided tour


Detours from Het Nieuwe Instituut are coming to Triennale!

In a collaboration that aims to engage Milan's creative people, Detours consist of exploring the Netherlands pavilion, to discover its special features. The Detour Guide also expands the visit to the other pavilions of the 23rd International Exhibition, and at the end of the tour offers always different workshops.

The guided tours are one hour long and take place one Sunday a month, at two different times of the day.

Have we met? promotes new ways of understanding the Earth as a shared space for plants, microbes, humans, and other animals. The view that earth exists solely for human exploitation must be radically rethought in order to confront the environmental crises the planet is facing today.



Sunday, July 31 2022, 9.00am
Sunday, July 31 2022, 3.00pm
Sunday, September 4 2022, 9.00am
Sunday, September 4 2022, 3.00pm
Sunday, October 2 2022, 9.00am
Sunday, October 2 2022, 3.00pm
Sunday, November 6 2022, 10.00am
Sunday, November 6 2022, 4.00pm
Sunday, December 4 2022, 10.00am
Sunday, December 4 2022, 4.00pm

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