Alberto Sinigaglia, Castel Bravoll, 2017, courtesy the artist


Weak End?
Ephemeral architectures for other realities

May 24 2024, 2.00pm

The event focuses on the theme of ephemeral en plein air architectures designed for Italian cultural sites. Focusing on minimal intervention operations on open space, the talk opens a dialogue between projects that are proposed as strategic "resistances," capable of triggering new imaginaries for the city and the landscape. The interventions of (ab)Normal, Associates Architecture, Parasite 2.0, and Piovenefabi studios open a dialogue on the potential of the ephemeral that goes beyond the concept of a space to be used in favor of a space to be inhabited.


Promoted by: Università IUAV di Venezia e Architetture sostenibili per i luoghi della cultura, Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea del Ministero della Cultura
Organized by: En plein air. Architetture minime, sostenibilità massima

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