Claudia Castellucci / Compagnia Mòra
Running time: 55'
Full: €24
Under 30 / over 65 / groups: €17
Students: €12
Membership: included with subscription
In Sahara, Claudia Castellucci’s choreographic and philosophical research grapples with the dimension of the desert, where the extreme lack of materials and relationships pushes dance to consider only what one has: oneself, as the only—first and last—instrument. The empty desert forces a radical visual relationship with one’s shadow, which, perpetually projected, cannot be ignored. Barely tolerated, it forces one to seek the company of the only things that can be found in total solitude: the products of the mind. These are the subjects of the dance, which asserts its very essence in Sahara.
Having trained in the visual arts, in 1981 Claudia Castellucci, along with her brother Romeo, Chiara Guidi and others, founded Societas Raffaello Sanzio, a theater company that has made a name for itself worldwide thanks to an idea of theater predominantly based on visual, plastic, and sound power. Since 2006, Claudia Castellucci has continued her relationship with plastic art in the production of works related to a philosophical practice based on rhythm. She is the founder of Scuola teatrica della discesa (1989–93); Stoa (2003–07) and Mòra (2015–19). In 2011 she led the École du rythme in Bordeaux, on the occasion of the Urban Art Biennial. Since 2014 she has been directing the Esercitazioni di Movimento Ritmico around the world, after starting in Athens. Her texts include: Uovo di bocca (Bollati Boringhieri, 2000), Setta Scuola di tecnica drammatica (Quodlibet, 2015), and Bollettini della Danza (Edizioni Sete, 2019). In 2020, she was awarded the Silver Lion by the Venice Dance Biennale.