Lithopia photos. Credits Jan Hrdy

Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague Director: Helena Koenigsmarková

Iva Knobloch

Out of Power Tower:
artist Krištof Kintera and team (Rastislav Juhás, Josef Fruhauf, Richard Wiesner, Matěj Al Ali, Martina Nosková)

concept Denisa Kera and Petr Šourek, director Petr Šourek, designer Eva Holá, photography Jan Hrdý, editor Miloslav Holman, installation and 3D print Jaroslav Svítek, blockchain development Denisa Kera and Yair Reshef, satellite image processing Mateusz Kraiński and team (Michal Krásl, Ivan Zelenka, Libor Ščerba, Dan Dittrich, Eva Čechová, Dan Šváb, Barbara Humel, Justin Svoboda, Radim Klásek, Vojtěch Bárta, Roman Trochta, Zdeněk Žatečka, Olga Vincencová, Alice Šourková, Ivana Runštuková, Marie Johnson, Petra Brodská)

Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

Czech Center Milan, Gallery Zdeněk Sklenář Prague


Czech Republic
Out of Power Tower – Lithopy

The utopian/dystopian projects Out of Power Tower and Lithopy develop the theme of energy wastage and mock the current craze for cryptocurrency. They are a critical response to the problem of mineral extraction, scarcity of resources and man’s drive for endless energy production. Out of Power Tower is 4,5 m high object made from used batteries that are assembled and cut. From the outside, the batteries seduce the consumer with their shining mosaic of brands. Inside the batteries, you can observe dark and burned out minerals. Out of Power Tower is a metaphor of the 4.0 and 5.0 Ages: uncovering the happy comfort of the external superficiality of being; digging deep under it, you and its core, dangerous and toxic.
Lithopy tells a universal story of power, mineral resources, technology and man. It is a function in the form of a multi-screen movie backed by blockchain prototypes. As a matter of fact, one of the largest world Lithium reserves has been recently rediscovered in the Czech Lands and was quickly turned into a mobilizing tool during 2017 elections. As a response to the populist promise and the ongoing speculation in Lithium, the Lithopy team created its own fairy-tale.


Organising institution:
The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague

Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague Director: Helena Koenigsmarková

Iva Knobloch

Out of Power Tower:
artist Krištof Kintera and team (Rastislav Juhás, Josef Fruhauf, Richard Wiesner, Matěj Al Ali, Martina Nosková)

concept Denisa Kera and Petr Šourek, director Petr Šourek, designer Eva Holá, photography Jan Hrdý, editor Miloslav Holman, installation and 3D print Jaroslav Svítek, blockchain development Denisa Kera and Yair Reshef, satellite image processing Mateusz Kraiński and team (Michal Krásl, Ivan Zelenka, Libor Ščerba, Dan Dittrich, Eva Čechová, Dan Šváb, Barbara Humel, Justin Svoboda, Radim Klásek, Vojtěch Bárta, Roman Trochta, Zdeněk Žatečka, Olga Vincencová, Alice Šourková, Ivana Runštuková, Marie Johnson, Petra Brodská)

Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

Czech Center Milan, Gallery Zdeněk Sklenář Prague


Lithopia photos. Credits Jan Hrdy

All Tower of Power photos. Credits Gabriel Urbanek

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