Scuola di Arte Plastica, progetto di Ricardo Porro (Archivio Jose Mosquera Lorenzo, foto di Vittorio Garatti, 1964)

Norma Rodríguez Derivet – Consejo Nacional Artes Plástica

Jorge Fernández Torres, co-curators Umberto Zanetti, Christian Zecchin

Umberto Zanetti, Christian Zecchin, Andrea Vertua, Michele Paradiso (Università degli Studi di Firenze) , Davide Del Curto (Politecnico di Milano), Maria Paola Bolgarino (Poltecnico di Milano), Riccardo Feder, Ana María Pedroso Guerrero (Asociación Cubeart)

Rodrigo Rodriquez

Ministerio de Cultura de Cuba, Embajada de Cuba en Roma, Consulado de Cuba en Milán, Consejo Nacional de las Artes Plásticas de Cuba, Universidad de Las Artes (ISA),  Escuelas Nacionales de Artes (CNEART), Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba, Ambasciata d’Italia a L’Avana, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano


Arte e Rivoluzione - Las Escuelas de Arte, La Habana Vittorio Garatti, Roberto Gottardi, Ricardo Porro

The Cuba pavilion presents the National Art Schools of La Habana, an icon of the Cuban revolution's architecture, but also a unique example of artistic discipline's instruction. Architecture and nature come together in an inseparable and conflicting relationship, which has always been a source of inspiration for the students who daily live and animate these spaces. The exhibition aims to unveil this hidden and little-known aspect, through historical pictures that represent people who live and get inspiration from these spaces.

This is the peculiarity that makes the Cubanacán complex a living organism in constantly evolution. The human and pedagogical values that are cultivated here are in a continuous exchange between nature, architecture and artistic creation. This is reflected in the faces and gestures of the students who animate the ISA (Universidad de Las Artes) which, since 1976, keeps training important artists throughout the world. Faces and gestures conversing with nature and architecture are the subject of the pictures on display, taken by students and professors, shifting the constrained historical/architectural vision to a more sensitive point of view. This is the true result of a space that, even if unfinished, continues to bear fruit.

A vision of content more than of form. As one of the three architects authors of the Schools Ricardo Porro said: "Architecture is a poetic frame for living life".


Organising institution:
Norma Rodríguez Derivet – Consejo Nacional Artes Plásticas

Norma Rodríguez Derivet – Consejo Nacional Artes Plástica

Jorge Fernández Torres, co-curators Umberto Zanetti, Christian Zecchin

Umberto Zanetti, Christian Zecchin, Andrea Vertua, Michele Paradiso (Università degli Studi di Firenze) , Davide Del Curto (Politecnico di Milano), Maria Paola Bolgarino (Poltecnico di Milano), Riccardo Feder, Ana María Pedroso Guerrero (Asociación Cubeart)

Rodrigo Rodriquez

Ministerio de Cultura de Cuba, Embajada de Cuba en Roma, Consulado de Cuba en Milán, Consejo Nacional de las Artes Plásticas de Cuba, Universidad de Las Artes (ISA),  Escuelas Nacionales de Artes (CNEART), Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba, Ambasciata d’Italia a L’Avana, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano


School of Modern Dance with student (photo by Osmara Alberteris Canizares, 2018)

School of Plastic Art with student (photo by Osmara Alberteris Canizares, 2018)

School of Ballet with student (photo by Osmara Alberteris Canizares, 2018)

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