Finnish Association for Nature Conservation: The Carbon Market. © Aalto University/still image from a film by Miika Ullakko

Guy Julier Curator: Kaisu Savola

Exhibition architecture:
Saara Kantele, Monica Romagnoli, Tuomas Siitonen, Ville Kokkonen

Visual identity and infographics:
Adina Renner, Qin Yang, Arja Karhumaa

Curatorial assistant:
Nur Horsanali

Funded by Aalto University and the Ministry of Culture and Education, Finland

Supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland


Everyday Experiments

Between 1866 and 1868, a tenth of the Finnish population died from starvation as summer frost destroyed farmers’ crops. Today, Finland ranks among the richest and happiest countries in the world. This comfort comes at a cost, though. If everyone around the world lived like the average Finnish consumer, the resources of nearly four planet Earths would be needed.

Bearing in mind this contradiction of caring for nature while acting against it, Everyday Experiments presents twelve experimental projects that address and raise debates around real-life demands such as: the need for more sustainable lifestyles, the growth of Arctic tourism, the relationships of policymaking and civic life, and the rights of indigenous communities.

Design cannot understand or solve complex problems on its own. In order to achieve societal change, it must join forces with the natural sciences, social sciences, technology, craft, policy-making and activism. Each project presented in Everyday Experiments challenges the boundaries between design and other disciplines, each in their own way.

Everyday Experiments does not present design as the outcome of individual designers, therefore, but as an intrinsic part of the many activities that take place within and between institutions, organizations and communities. Above all, the exhibition invites visitors to think about some of the everyday human-to-human and human-to-nature actions that we can take in pursuit of a sustainable and equal society.


Organising institution:
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Guy Julier Curator: Kaisu Savola

Exhibition architecture:
Saara Kantele, Monica Romagnoli, Tuomas Siitonen, Ville Kokkonen

Visual identity and infographics:
Adina Renner, Qin Yang, Arja Karhumaa

Curatorial assistant:
Nur Horsanali

Funded by Aalto University and the Ministry of Culture and Education, Finland

Supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland


Aalto University: The Ioncell technology. © Aalto University/photo by Mikko Raskinen

Suomu – The Finnish Association of Design Learning: Design School. © Suomu ry/photo by Olga Poppius

Natural Resources Institute Finland: The Atlantic Salmon Scale Archive. © Aalto University/illustration by Adina Renner and Qin Yang

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